October 3rd: Our CMIRC regular meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel featured Dr. Nisachon Jamroonrat MD discussing "Child TB Cases in Thailand," shedding light on a pressing health issue.

October 5th: Delivery day at the CMIRC Foundation office – 150 CMIRC coffee mugs and 150 "Change for Children" Owl Banks, all proudly Rotary-branded.
October 10th: Marking World Mental Health Day, we underscored the importance of mental well-being in our community.
October 14th: Club members gathered at Rotarian Alexander's house, reinforcing collection boxes for the Annual Children's Winter Clothing Appeal.
October 17th: Celebration at our project parner, the Integrated Tribal Development Foundation (ITDF) for the opening of their coffee bean processing operation.
October 17th (Part 2): Dr. Eric Hansen MD presented on "Lanna Foundation and the Integrated Tribal Development Foundation" at our regular CMIRC meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel.
October 21st: CMIRC board meeting at the CMIRC Foundation office for strategic planning.
October 28th: CMIRC members sold tickets for our Golf Ball Drop and distributed "Change for Children" Owl Banks at the Chiang Mai Expats Club (CEC) monthly meeting.
October 30th-November 6th: World Interact Week celebrated achievements and collaboration among Interact clubs.
October 31st: Halloween-themed 5th Tuesday social event at The Duke's Maya Mall, adding a festive touch to the month's end.