CMIRC members were not able to have their regular every other Sunday morning visits to the patients and their families at Burma Children Medical Fund B.K. Kee Patient House here in Chiang Mai where members socialize, play games, bring food and engage in craft projects with the patients and their families during May because the Patient House was closed to visitors during the upsurge in Covid-19 cases in Chiang Mai.
The first and third Fridays of the month Chiang Mai Expats Club breakfasts, where we promote CMIRC and swap "Change for Children" owl banks, were cancelled due for May to the upsurge in the Covid-19 cases in Chiang Mai.
Tuesday, May 4, first regular club meeting of the month was held on ZOOM. Our program was presented by local photo journalist Will Langston. More about Will here:
Sunday, May 9, at 9 PM we had our 9@9 ZOOM meeting to stay in touch with our club members wherever they may be in the world.
Sunday, May 16, patients and caregivers at the Burma Children Medical Fund B.K. Kee Patient House worked on a sewing project.
Tuesday, May 18, a regular club meeting was held on ZOOM. The program was presented by the International Rescue Manager of Destiny Rescue Thailand
Friday, May 21, a meeting of the CWSDPP committee at Bronco Kids Sports Club to discuss plans for the coming Rotary Year.
Sunday, May 23, Chiang Mai International School Interact Club donated 10 PPE suits, 20 rolls of duct tape, red garbage bags and black garbage bags to the field hospital at the Chiang Mai International Exhibition and Convention Centre where COVID-19 patients are being treated.
Monday, May 24, Interested CMIRC members meet with representatives from BEAM Education Foundation via Google meetings to discuss plans for the BEAM online one year Conversational Partner Program beginning in June.
Tuesday, May 25, the CMIRC Board Meeting on ZOOM.