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What You May Have Missed in March 2023

Roger Lindley

The regular every other weekend visit by CMIRC members to residents at the BCMF B.K. Kee Patient House.

On Tuesday, March 7 - CMIRC Regular Meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel. Don Linder talked to the club about filmmaking in Thailand. Rotarian Myrna Muyana led the club in learning the children’s dance “The Hokey Pokey”.

From Friday to Sunday, March 10-12 - D3360 Presidents-Elect and District Team Training Seminar (PETS and DTTS) in Nan. CMIRC Past President John Schorr and Charter President Roger Lindley attended. See photo above.

From Saturday to Sunday, March 18-19 - D3360 Conference in Phitsanulok. President Viki Thomason, PP John, CP Roger, and Rotarians Patrick and Owen attended. Check out Roger's photo alongside two jolly fellow Rotarians below.

On Monday, March 20 - BCMF B.K. Kee Patient House acquisition of PP John’s trusty Toyota Yaris that will transport residents to and from medical care. A significant improvement from riding on the back of motorcycles and songtaews.

On Tuesday, March 21 - CMIRC Regular Meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel. Mike Mann talked about the Integrated Tribal Development Foundation (ITDF), with whom CMIRC is partnering with the International Partner Club, Rotary Club of Fig Garden, in a three-year 330,000 USD Water and Sanitation Global Grant. Primary Contact John presented the check to Mike to cover the funding of the first three villages for improved water and sanitation.

On Saturday, March 25 - The CMIRC display table at the monthly Chiang Mai Expats Club (CEC) meeting. One owl bank flew home to CMIRC.

On Tuesday, March 28 - Treasurer Yao and President-Elect Roger signed new wills for bank accounts under their joint names for managing CMIRC funds.

On Tuesday, March 28 - CMIRC Board Meeting at UCafe by Unity Concord International School.


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