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What You May Have Missed In June 2023

Roger Lindley

Biweekly weekend visits continue by our members to the BCMF B.K. Kee Patient House providing them with toiletries, food, educational materials, playing games and English-language conversations.

June 6 - CMIRC regular meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel. Ann and Max Summer spoke about the Care 108 Foundation. Rotarian Myrna Muyana led the group in our dance attempt at being stars in “Footloose”! Rotarian (and Secretary) Owen Hodgson did backup for Sergeant-at-Arms Bill Pierce, who returned to USA to visit family.

June 13 - Our Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Program (CWS&DPP) resumed with 4th-graders from the Wat Ku Kham Municipal School and Wat Pa Phaeng Municipal School returning to the swimming pool at Bronco Kids Sports Club for fifteen hours of water safety training by KruPayu Swim instructors.

June 17-18 - The District Training Assembly (DTA) and District Governor Installation held in Lamphun. Rotarians Yao Ratanasopa, Owen Hodgson, Myrna Muyana, and Roger Lindley represented CMIRC at the event. District Governor-Elect Nominee Apisak Chomtong and Charter President Roger conducted the English-language sessions of the DTA.

June 20 - CMIRC regular meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel. The speaker for the evening was Heather Askew of Jojo’s Sanctuary. Heather (photographed below) spoke about their work with children and families in Northern Thailand. Rotarian Myrna Muyana taught us how to dance “Gangnam Style”. Secretary Owen did backup for Sergeant-at-Arms Bill Pierce, who was visiting family in the USA.

June 24 - Rotarians Owen Hodgson, Gary Herman, John Schorr, and Roger Lindley represented CMIRC as a Chiang Mai Expats Club community sponsor at the CEC General Meeting at the Mélia Hotel.

June 24 - The District 3360 Awards 2022-2023 and the Chiang Mai-Area Clubs' Presidential Installation Ceremony took place at the Grandview Hotel. Incoming President Roger Lindley, Outgoing President Viki Thomason, First Daughter Charlotte, First Husband/Past President Dylan Thomason, Past President John Schorr, Treasurer Yao Ratanasopa, Membership Chair Myrna Muyana, Youth Programs Director Raphael Djemal, Secretary Owen Hodgson, and Rotarian Gary Herman represented our club. Past President and newly elected Assistant District Governor John Schorr, photographed on the right, was awarded for his work on the Water and Sanitation Global Grant. President Viki was recognized with the Rotary Brand Center Public Image Award. Unfortunately, a downside to the event was that a number of attendees became infected with COVID-19, including our members, Viki, John, and Owen.

June 27 - The CMIRC Board Meeting was held on ZOOM due to Board Members having COVID-19.


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