The regular every other weekend visit by CMIRC members to residents at the Burma Children Medical Fund B.K. Kee Patient House.
On April 4, CMIRC Meeting at 7:00 PM at the Royal Peninsula Hotel. Our guest speaker was Khun Danucha Sombuynan. The program was on “The Scholars of Sustenance”. Rotarian Myrna taught the group the Wednesday Adams (Adams Family) famous dance.

On April 10-11, the visit by Rotarians John and Patrick along with Mike Mann of the Integrated Tribal Development Foundation (ITDF) to one of the first villages to benefit from our three-year water and sanitation Global Grant. See photo below.

On April 17, the final delivery of our Children's Winter Clothing Appeal by the Daughters Rising organization to refugees and internally displaced persons in Mae Sot, Tak.
On April 18, the Service Projects Committee Meeting for setting budgets for RY 2023-2024.
On April 18, CMIRC Meeting at 7:00 PM at the Royal Peninsula Hotel. Our program was presented by Khun Boonkoom Boonyasopath of BKE Combustion Controls Company on the topic “Crop Residue to Biogas”. See photo below. Rotarian Myrna led our group in “The Baby Shark Dance”.

Also, we exchanged banners with the Rotary Club of Lampang, represented by Lawrence "Doc" Nelson and spouse, Khun Nunee.

On April 19, was the birthday for Paul Harris the Founder of Rotary.
From April 24-30 - World Immunization Week.
On April 29, CMIRC Rotarians Roger, Myrna, and Patrick had coffee at Fern Forest Café with visiting President David of the Rotary Club of Shanghai. Chatting with David and wife about Rotary (of course), life in Chiang Mai and life in Shanghai and China.