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What's Happening at BEAM

Roger Lindley

BEAM will be commencing New Year classes on January 6. They now have two GED Social Studies volunteer teachers who will be conducting the GED Social Studies sessions. The present group of students have been assessed as needing additional assistance with English vocabulary for GED testing preparation.

Lulu Zhou, Higher Education Program Associate at BEAM Education Foundation, will be conducting formal English language support classes with sixteen students with Tuesday and Friday afternoon classes starting January 7th. These classes will run for ten weeks.

Our club has been asked to provide supplemental support vocabulary sessions, on the day prior to Lulu’s sessions, for the same students in classes on Monday and Thursday afternoons starting January 6th from 1:30 – 3:00 PM. These sessions will run for ten weeks.

Presently Rotarian (and club-Secretary elect) Nick is coordinating our BEAM Team.

Rotarian Roger is also on the team. It would helpful to have at least two more Rotarians involved in this BEAM program. If interested, please contact Nick or Roger.


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