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The B.K. Kee Patient House in November

Bill Pierce

This month we made two supply drops to the Burma Children Medical Fund (BCMF) B.K. Kee Patient House delivering our normal supplies of hygiene supplies and supplementary snacks.

On November 5th, we had a birthday party for several of the patients and caregivers who happened to have birthdays in the month of October. All the birthday celebrants received a birthday gift, and everyone enjoyed a bingo game and received a small gift as their party favor when they got their bingo. A special thanks to gift givers Bill T, Nicha, Elsie, Nick and Nick’s partner Pink. Pink has been a wonderful volunteer who helps with transportation, food preparation and other tasks that enhance the quality of the parties.

At this time we are beginning preparations for our annual Christmas party. As per the wishes of Kanchana, BCMF's director, due to the new COVID variant as well as the arrival of a new patient with a very compromised immune system, we are unable to hold a Christmas party with CMIRC members attending as we have done in years past. Nick and I will collect gifts, purchase supplies, side dishes and beverages and deliver them like we’ve done for the two birthday parties held in September and November. Employee Klao will purchase main dishes for the party, and we will reimburse him for those expenses. We are asking for donations for gifts for the patients, caregivers, interns, and staff. We will need a total of fourteen Christmas presents. By the time this is published I will have sent an email to all members to learn who is interested in participating. The date of the party is December 19th.

Intern David has submitted his intern report as he has completed his first semester of study. Written reports are a requirement of the tuition scholarship program. David’s report was thorough and well written. It was submitted to Secretary Nick and will be reviewed at the next CMIRC board meeting and then filed.

Hours- CMIRC members - 16, Volunteer - 8


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