This month we made two visits to the Burma Children Medical Fund's B. K. Kee Patient House bringing hygiene supplies and playing engaging games with the patients and caregivers. During the first visit we played what has become their favorite game, BINGO. After someone makes a BINGO, we sing a short portion of the song “BINGO” and the person then selects a prize. It’s always a guaranteed crowd pleaser. We also delivered an anonymous donation of three large flashlights for the patients and caregivers to use at night or for emergency lighting.

On the second visit we played a game that former BEAM Education Foundation student and volunteer, Mwe Kham taught us. Music is played while everyone passes a ball, while sitting in a circle. When the music stops, whomever is holding the ball stands up and sings or dances for a short time. We had some new patients and caregivers who were a bit shy, so I had to quickly come up with an alternate thing for them to do to earn their prize. I turned it into an English language short activity, where they practiced counting a series of 10 numbers. I was able to get some very enjoyable videos of patients and caregivers singing, posted on the CMIRC Line group.

It has been a great honor to participate as Project Champion for the B.K. Kee Patient house since February 2020. Thank you to all the CMIRC Rotarians who contributed (as visitors, gift buyers, etc.) and for generously supporting this vital program throughout the years. I know I leave this position in very capable hands. Gary Herman has previously been Project Champion and has an extensive history and a great deal of experience that will be beneficial to fulfill the strategic plan for the year ahead.
Any interested Rotarians who would like to join new Project Champion, Gary Herman for a visit should contact him directly. Visits are made every other Sunday morning, with the group meeting at a café near Nakornping Condo around 10:30 am. As stated in last month’s update, BCMF director Kanchana Thornton asks for all visitors to observe the following protocols. “BCMF is happy for CMIRC and relevant associates to resume BCMF B.K. Kee Patient House visits upon request. All visitors will have to follow the house COVID safety protocols. ATK before each visit and face masks at all times while at the house. Alcohol hand wash will be provided at the house.” Visitors must also submit a photo of the ATK test taken the morning of the visit to the Patient House. To date, Gary and I have been sending results to both Klao and Kanchana via Line.
Volunteer Hours - CMIRC members - 35