On September 5th, the patients, caregivers, and staff were able to enjoy a long overdue birthday party at the Burma Children Medical Fund B.K. Kee Patient House. Thanks to several Rotarians who purchased gifts, fellow Rotarian Nick, his partner Pink and Honorary member Elsie Choy, we were able to deliver food, presents and party favors. We stayed just long enough to deliver the supplies and sing a couple rounds of Happy Birthday to commemorate the occasion. Before leaving, we asked staff member Klao to send photos and he certainly captured the joyful spirit of the day. Enjoy the photos and again, thank you so much for all of those who volunteered to purchase gifts.

On November 5th we will have another party for several of the patients and caregivers who have October birthdays. In addition, we will bring some small prizes for Bingo game rewards on our next supply drop. Our other upcoming event is the annual Christmas Party. Please stay tuned for further information. We will announce a date and how members can participate in the very near future.
Nursing student intern David, supported by a CMIRC scholarship, continues to teach the residents and caregivers basic literacy skills each week and it is quite evident that his presence is making a positive impact. We have also received word that during September he has started providing some health education to the house residents which is very welcome news.
Currently, we are still not making regular visits to the house, only supply drops. A special shout out to Rotarian Raphael for joining us this past Sunday for our drop-off and for purchasing a large variety of soups for the patients and caregivers! As soon as the situation improves, and we are instructed that visits may resume, I’ll be sure to let members know.
In the meantime, if you’d like to assist in the Teddy Bear drive for patients at Mae Tao Clinic, CP Roger has located some bears at Central Festival Mall. Large bears were spotted at Moshi Moshi and smaller ones were seen at Miniso. Both stores are located on the 4th floor. You can read more about the Teddy Bear appeal in Nick’s story.