We made only one visit during the month of September to the Burma Children Medical Fund's B.K. Kee Patient House due to an illness but it was an exciting one, as BCMF was able to transport a sizable number of new patients and family members. We had a full table of folks of all ages for our leisure activity and snack time, (pictured below).

I’m also pleased to announce that we have a date set and approved by BCMF director, Kanchana Thornton, for our annual Christmas party. Please mark your calendars for Sunday, December 20th for this special occasion. We have allotted two hours for the event; it will begin at 11:00 am and end at 1:00 pm. As the time gets closer, I will be coordinating with members and Patient House staff to obtain as accurate a count as possible for the number of patients, family members and staff as well as ages of the children and young adults who will be present. If you plan on attending this year, could please email current Project Champion Bill Pierce at depeche41@aol.com (As fast as this year seems to be going, it seems it’s never too early to begin planning.)

Next Sunday we will make our next visit and I’m pleased that volunteer Mwe Kham will be joining us. Her presence and participation help to facilitate communication which make the visits much more meaningful and enjoyable.
If any Rotarians are interested in joining us on our every other Sunday visits, please reach out. (See above email address) We are required to wear face coverings during the entire visit. We leave Shell station on Huay Kaew Rd. at 11:00 am and usually complete our visit around 12:30 pm.