We are making real progress in building a very professional team for our CMIRC School Vision Screening Project! But, unfortunately, due to the continued resurgence of Covid-19 in Chiang Mai, we faced delays in restarting the screenings this Rotary Year.
We are now planning to resume our school-based screenings during the 2022-2023 school year. We hope to screen all 3rd and 5th graders at the 11 municipal schools and the Wat Suan Dok School in partnership with Ophthalmologist Dr. Nickie at Saint Peter Eye Hospital, Optician Khun One at Chom Jun Optic, the Rotary Club of Chiang Mai Wattana, and, if pediatric ophthalmological surgery is needed, the Rotary Club of Chiang Mai North’s Eye Service Foundation.
The new school year begins in May, but we feel it best to wait to start the screening until the year is well underway. So, we plan to train our volunteers in July and begin the screenings in August. We hope to have one screening per week for a period of twelve weeks, so that all 11 municipal schools and the Wat Suan Dok School can be screened before the end of December.
Please contact Project Champions John and Phijitra Schorr if you’d like to volunteer and be trained: schoolvision@cmirotary.org, in English or phijitraschorr@gmail.com ไทย.
Good news about future funding for the CMIRC SVSP, Fred Peck our good friend at the Rotary Club Spokane 21 has informed me that his club is seeking a Rotary District 5080 Grant for our SVSP!!
Once again, we’d like to take this opportunity to recognize the generous support of our partners, sponsors and donors, so here is a list of these generous organizations, beginning with the Rotary Club of Spokane 21 whose donation of $2,500 this year will be rolled over to fund about 80% of our program next year! THANK YOU ROTARY CLUB of SPOKANE 21!!!
The total program budget for next year is estimated at about $3,500 US dollars, so even with the rollover we are still a little short. If you wish to learn how you can help, please contact Project Champion John Schorr at schoolvision@cmirotary.org or tel.: +66 (0)8 5030 2143, US Skype # 386 490-8100
CMIRC Member Volunteer Hours for the Month of February, 2022: 10 hours (Chair - 5, Committee Members - 5).
Our 2022 School Vision Screening Donor Team: