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Progress on Application: Thailand Water & Sanitation Project Global Grant

Clarence Shettlesworth

In last month’s Bulletin, the surname of Dr. Eric Hanson and his family was misspelled, our apologies to them.

Together with District 5230 clubs and Rotary Foundation Global funding, Chiang Mai International Rotary Club, the Lanna Foundation, the Integrated Tribal Development Foundation (ITDF) and the Rotary Club of Fig Garden as international partner, the proposed project will help bring clean water and sanitation to the Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand. High goals have been set and passionate and experienced personnel from ITDF involved; the “boots on the ground.”

On Wednesday, November 24th, a joint meeting was held in Fresno of members of East Fresno Rotary, Fig Garden Rotary, Visalia County Center Rotary, Visalia Breakfast Rotary, Monterey Rotary and the Fresno Downtown Club.

Dr Eric Hanson of Fresno and his childhood friend Mike Mann of the Integrated Tribal Development Foundation spoke about their work with the tribes of the Northern Highlands of Thailand. Everyone was very impressed and committed to raising funds in support of their mission. Fundraising mode is in full swing.

GOAL: $280,000

Clubs within District 5230 $100,000 - multiple $15,000; multiple $10,000, $5000, $2500, $1000, $500 donations.

District Matching grant - $100,000

Rotary Foundation Global Grant – $80,000

Club funding commitments are to be made prior to 30 June 2022, with payment due in Rotary year 2022-2023 (Q-1).

RESULT: Lives changed... forever. ITDF will undertake water projects, install sanitation facilities (squat latrines) to each hut and introduce educational programs to villagers in 18-20 villages.

The cost of each water and sanitation installation and education is between $12,000-15,000. The holistic approach – clean water that results in improved health and increased agricultural production and fair-trade sales agreements, sanitation and education - is a proven, sustainable step away from poverty.


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