Please, welcome our three new members Keith Bennett, Suresh Sidhu and Alexander Wendland who became part of our Rotary family at our August 1st meeting.
Alexander has joined the Membership Committee and will be champion of the Annual Winter Clothing Appeal; Keith will serve as our Service Projects Chair, and Suresh will assist our SAA Bill in greeting and making meeting attendees feel welcome. New, engaged members are vital to the health and success of our club.
With regrets, we say a membership goodbye to Rotarian David Fagerlie who is exploring and expanding his various personal interests in life.

Congratulations to our Membership Chair Myrna on her recognition as a new Paul Harris Fellow by our District Governor at the Vibrant Club Workshop in Uttaradit. A well-deserved recognition for Myrna.
The three-year, 330,000 USD, Water and Sanitation GG# 2233068 with our international partner, Fig Garden Rotary Club, Fresno, California USA, continues to make steady progress in providing clean water and sanitation to twenty-one villages in Northern Thailand with three villages having been completed so far with another village underway.
Our CMIRC Board has added new members Patrick Desloge as Foundation Chair and Keith Bennett as Service Project Chair. Patrick has agreed to serve as club President-Elect this Rotary Year and subsequently as President in RY 2024-25. With changes in our personal lives and responsibilities sometimes it is necessary to make adjustments. This is also true of the CMIRC Board. With new board members and changing responsibilities for other board members, the board has decided to move our monthly meeting to the second Saturday of each month from 10:00 a.m. to noon. The meetings will be at the CMIRC Foundation Office, Room 115, Nakornping Condominium, 2 Rajchaprunk Road. As usual, the first fifteen (15) minutes of every board meeting are scheduled for any members wishing to have discussions with the board.

CMIRC has formed a scholarship committee chaired by Rotarian Patrick and including as members Rotarians Robert, Gary, Myrna, John and Roger (ex-officio). The club will be hearing more about this in the near future.
In connection with the evolving Rotary Brand Logo, many clubs globally will be changing their club logos to align with RI’s current branding guidance. In our club’s case, this will affect our business cards, banners, and letterheads. promotional coffee mugs, “Change for Children” owl banks, signage and club and project promotional trifolds. Below is the now approved logo for CMIRC (minus District number, minus Thailand and minus club number). Rotarian Suresh had the first business cards produced with the new logo. If in any doubt about brand logo use, please contact me in my role as Public Image Chair.
We will not be meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month (September 5th) due to the annual District Governor visit by District Governor Dr. Watit Tangrapeelert on September 12th. The DG will meet with the CMIRC Board at 5:00 p.m. to learn about our club. The DG will be our program presenter during our meeting at 7:00 PM. I encourage as many members as possible to attend this meeting at 7:00 PM. As it is a DG visit, our very relaxed dress standard (clothing) will be moved up a notch to a more formal level of shoes, long pants (men/women) skirts/dresses (women) and shirt/blouse with buttons.
We are entering into a fairly busy calendar for service within the club with the School Vision Screening Project (SVSP) doing vision screening for 3rd and 5th graders at the eleven municipal schools and at the Wat Suan Dok School. I encourage our club members to participate, as possible, in the contribution this project makes to the children in our community.
And in closing, an African proverb:
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”