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President's Message For August 2023

Roger Lindley

In 2013, we raised a question about the viability of creating an English-language Rotary Club in Chiang Mai. With the support of then District Governor Suparie Chatkunyarat, Elsie Choy (District Governor Representative), Rotarian T.J. Bouma and myself began work in July to find the answer. On February 21, 2014, the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club received their charter from Rotary International, with the absolute minimum number of charter member (20) on the application. I filled the role as Charter President, and T.J. Bouma stepped up for Charter Secretary.

As we are nearing the end of the first decade at CMIRC and are looking forward, I have raised the following questions with the CMIRC Board and membership in an email I sent.

"There are some things on my mind that I feel need group clarification or confirmation from CMIRC Board Members and Project Champions. I need your feedback on this.

1) Is the CMIRC mission statement "Focus on child safety, health, and education in Northern Thailand" still valid?

2) If outsiders were to look at our mission statement and what we do, would they see our actions aligned?

3) Are the Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Program, School Vision Screening, BEAM GED and Scholarship Program (in light of the new Scholarship Committee and the reduced GED funding), the B.K. Kee Patient House and the Children's Winter Clothing Appeal all still valid and continuing projects of CMIRC?

4) What is the approximate number of service projects CMIRC can handle with the present level of member involvement and financial support requirements?

4 Where do initiatives fit into our mission statement?

5) For Global Grants, there are seven focus areas. Should we attempt to evaluate future Global Grant participation with mission statement alignment?

6) How big do we want our club to be? What do we want our membership demographics to look like?

7) How much funding do you think CMIRC can raise per year?

8) If you were to describe what you think CMIRC should look like in 3-5 years, what that description would be?

I am asking these questions because the answers directly impact: Mission statement; supported projects; strategic plan; website; club trifold communications; CMIRCF funding decisions, and CMIRC Foundation related trifold communications. Production of materials and revision of strategic plan (which I feel needs streamlining and better focus) require clarity and agreement. Before spending time on these, we must agree with our leadership and membership on our purpose and direction."

Quotes to think about

"So, what is true for life itself is no less true for the universe: knowing where you came from is no less important than knowing where you are going." - Neil deGrasse Tyson

"If you don't know where you're going any road will do." - Lewis Carroll

"Success in life depends primarily upon three things: discovery of who you are, what you can do best, and where you are going." - Henry Clausen


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