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John Schorr

CMIRC has been supporting the School Vision Screening Program in all 11 municipal elementary schools in Chiang Mai and the Wat Suan Dok School (in collaboration with RC Chiang Mai Wattana) since the 2020-2021 school year.

The CMIRC School Vision Screening Program is now in its fourth full year of operations with all 11 municipal schools and the Wat Suan Dok School scheduled for screenings during the 2024-2025 school year.

Purpose: The Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC) School Vision Screening Project seeks to identify poor school children who have undiagnosed vision or other ophthalmological problems. We recognize that vision problems can have very negative effects on school performance and that many parents cannot afford the eye examinations and prescription glasses.

CMIRC addresses this problem by screening all 3rd & 5th-graders for vision problems in 11 Chiang Mai municipal schools and providing glasses when needed for free.

Dr Tayakorn sep24

CMIRC has identified dozens of young children in district schools with uncorrected visual problems that slows down the children's educational development and reducing their opportunities in life.

These children are now being treated under regular follow-up with me at St Peter Eye Hospital, each time we meet them we check their progress in rehabilitating their amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (squint).

We also provide advice to their parents and guardians on how to optimize their children's rehabilitation.

Here are some diagnosing Mutita and treating her blindness in one eye. She now has good vision in that eye. Mutita's care was paid in part by the money we raised in honor of Nancy Lindley.

Thank you to CMIRC for the excellent and diligent care and the life changing differences this makes for the children.


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