We made two visits to the Burma Children Medical Fund's B.K.Kee Patient House during the month of October and both visits were quite enjoyable. Our October 4th visit was a musical and dancing game (below) that has become a regular activity the residents fully enjoy.

The second visit was Halloween-themed and the creative juices were really flowing that day. The residents and family members had choices to color, draw or paint. We brought some orange balloons with us and at the last minute realized these would be great to blow up and paint to resemble a jack-o-lantern (below). Great fun was had by all.

Our annual Christmas Party will be on December 20th, beginning at 11:00 and ending at 1:00. As the time gets closer, I will be coordinating with members and Patient House staff to obtain as accurate a count as possible for the number of patients, family members and staff as well as ages of the children and young adults who will be present. If you plan on attending this year, could please email current Project Champion Bill Pierce at depeche41@aol.com.
If any Rotarians are interested in joining us on our every other Sunday visits, please reach out. (See above email address) We are required to wear face coverings during the entire visit. We leave the Shell station on Huay Kaew Rd. at 11:00 and usually complete our visit around 12:30.