This month we made two supply drops to the Burma Children Medical Fund (BCMF) B.K. Kee Patient House to deliver hygiene supplies, snacks, and art supplies for the patients and caregivers to finish decorating the bags for the donated Teddy Bears that were sent to BCMF patients in Mae Sot.

On November 5th we will have another party for several of the patients and caregivers who have October birthdays. We will be bringing the party to the Patient House much like we did for the one they had in September. Thanks to Nick, his partner Pink, Klao and all the gift givers, the party is shaping up nicely. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to stay and participate once again due to the rise in COVID cases here in Chiang Mai. At this time, we are still waiting to see how things will look at the beginning of December and director Kanchana Thornton will let us know about how to proceed for the annual Christmas party and when regular visits may resume.

Intern David continues to teach the patients and caregivers basic literacy and health education classes. On a recent visit some of the patients were actively engaged in a lesson on animals and learning to read the names of them in Karen. I had an opportunity to do a quick interview with David and find out that he has recently done lessons on heart disease and liver disease. His health education lessons last about 90 minutes and include some time for questions and answers. He also sends regular updates to director Kanchana Thornton about the work that he is doing.
I also had an opportunity to get a quick update from employee Klao and was pleased to find out that all patients and caregivers have sufficient blankets and warm clothing for the cool months that lie ahead. He also mentioned that presently there are no major infrastructure needs at the house. We did a quick tour of the garden beds and aside from some pruning needs, everything looks healthy.
Volunteer hours in October - 8 hours