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John Schorr

New Promo Video for Children’s Water Safety Program

This month we thought our readers might like to see our new promotional video produced pro bono by Inside Asia. The video shows what we are doing and why we do it. So, you will have a chance to see the program in action!

Thank you, Inside Asia, for the great work!

Please feel free to share the video link with others you know who may wish to help us fund and expand our Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Program.

We want to take this opportunity to recognize the support of our partners, sponsors and donors, so here is a list of these generous organizations!

CMIRC Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Team and Sponsors:

Special thanks also to our anonymous donors, and for the continued support from Ian Bushell. If you wish to help, please contact Project Champion John Schorr at for more information.


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