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March 2021

Nancy Lindley

Smokey Season is underway in Chiang Mai, just like normal, despite little else being "normal" in Thailand because of Covid-19. Gladly, what appeared to be a Second Wave due to New Years follies was quickly snuffed here in Chiang Mai province and life is back to the "normal" we've known for the past year. Slowly, slowly expats are returning to Thailand, but many Chiang Mai resident expats are conducting their annual 2 - 3 month migration in climes with clearer skies -- this year within Thailand, having learned from their friends still trapped outside Thailand because of their international migrations last year.

Chiang Mai International Rotary Club's project activities follow a predicable annual path, with many projects completing before the heat and bad air arrive in late February. Many schools have their annual holidays in March-May (although this Covid year may be different), so that also becomes a time when our club projects take a holiday. As you'll see from this month's Bulletin, we haven't been as active this month and we'll be even less so in March and April. But those months will be a time of planning, budgeting and organizing. One big project will be the working on the establishment of the Foundation of the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club. More on that in the months to come.

Meanwhile, find a cool spot (or warm locale if you still have snow), pour a refreshing beverage and settle in to read our latest Bulletin, below. As always, each story is easier to read if you click on the title of the story, where you'll be taken to a webpage with the story.


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