Each year Rotary Clubs and Districts across the globe induct new leaders. Our leaders exemplify all of the qualities that make our members extraordinary: integrity, expertise, and commitment to service.
This Rotary Year RY 2022-2023, we will greet our first woman president of Rotary International, Jennifer Jones. Our club will greet our second woman president Viki Thomason. Our first female club president, Shana Kongmun, served during RY 2016-2017. Our president nominee for RY 2023-2024 is Nancy Lindley.
About leadership. A quote from Tony Robbins:
“Leadership is the ability to inspire a team to achieve a certain goal. It’s usually discussed in the context of business, but leadership is also how you, as an individual, choose to lead your life. The definition of leadership is to influence, inspire and help others become their best selves, building their skills and achieving goals along the way. You don’t have to be a CEO, manager or even a team lead to be a leader. Leadership is a set of skills – and a certain psychology – that anyone can master.”
Rotary develops leaders by providing opportunities for all members to provide service to our local communities and communities across the globe. With that service comes a learning experience in the areas of leadership, team building, planning, marketing, communication, and organization.
Serving as a Club or District officer or committee member provides an opportunity to enrich your leadership skills by sharing experiences and ideas with other Rotarians throughout the region.
And a closing quote from Albert Einstein:
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”