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Empowering Communities: Rotary's Water & Sanitation Initiative in Northern Thailand

John Schorr

In March, Rotary Clubs globally are actively dedicated to promoting and addressing issues concerning water, sanitation, and hygiene, recognizing them as fundamental human rights. Our focus extends beyond merely constructing wells; we integrate these initiatives into educational projects, aiming to empower individuals, especially children, with knowledge about disease transmission and good hygiene practices. This approach not only fosters healthier lives but also reduces school absenteeism and positively impacts families.

The Chiang Mai International Rotary Club's Water and Sanitation Thailand Global Grant Project aligns perfectly with Rotary International's mission and our club's goal of Improving Child Safety, Health, and Education in Northern Thailand. Alongside our partner organization, The Integrated Tribal Development Foundation, we emphasize the transformative power of water.

Our Rotary International Foundation Global Grant, totaling $330,000 over three years (2023-2025), facilitates the provision of clean water and sanitation facilities, including toilets and showers, to 21 hill tribe villages lacking reliable clean water sources. Progress is evident as we have already completed work in six villages and are actively engaged in the seventh, adhering to our schedule.

We are pleased to share that Rotary Clubs worldwide are becoming aware of our endeavors, with the Rotary Club of Emerald City in Washington State generously funding a 22nd village. We invite other clubs and donors to join us in our mission towards "a healthier and more successful future for all.

For more information, contact (GG Primary Contact 2023-2024), (GG Primary Contact 2024-2025)


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