This month we made two supply drops to the Burma Children Medical Fund B.K. Kee Patient House delivering our normal supplies of hygiene supplies and supplementary snacks.
Interns Dianna and David continue to provide literacy instruction to the patients and caregivers as well as health awareness workshops. Their work and simply their very presence has made a huge impact on the lives of those staying at the house. We hope that the day when restrictions are lifted folks will be able to come out and see the amazing work that is being done.
On December 19th, Rotary members Nick, Bill P and volunteer Pink brought a car full of gifts, snacks, and an assortment of party supplies for the annual Christmas Party. Employee Klao ordered a few Burmese dishes for the patients and caregivers and Nick and Pink had ice cream delivered later in the afternoon for dessert. After we unloaded everything, Klao and Intern David played guitar and the patients and caregivers sang three Christmas songs that we recorded to share with the other CMIRC members. We were very touched by the beautiful singing and guitar playing. It was a special gift since this year we were unable to invite members to join the festivities.

Klao sent photos of the party later that day of the patients, caregivers, interns, and staff enjoying the festivities.
Currently, we are still doing supply drops only every other Sunday.
The hours below include an estimate of time that some of our members spent shopping for gifts. We would like to give special recognition to members Roger, Nancy, Gary, John, John’s wife Phijitra, Nick and Nick’s partner Pink for donating presents or additional funds for the party. Thank you so much!!
Hours for December: CMIRC members - 30, Volunteers - 8.