The Chiang Mai International Rotary Club is holding a Service Appreciation Dinner on February 23, 2023, at 6:00 pm at the Gymkhana Club to celebrate the club's 9th and Rotary's 118th birthday and honor our sponsors, project partners, and volunteers who provided exceptional service to CMIRC and the community.
February 23 is also called World Understanding and Peace Day.
The Board of Directors of Rotary International asks that all Rotary Clubs plan programs at their weekly meetings and take on special activities to emphasize understanding and goodwill as essential components of world peace. February is a chance for every club to pause, plan and promote our Fourth Avenue of Service – Our continued goal for goodwill, peace, and understanding among all people of the world, as we also celebrate February as Peace-building and Conflict Prevention Month.
Many clubs arrange international speakers, invite Youth Exchange students and international scholars from schools and universities to club meetings, plan programs featuring former Group Study Exchange team members, arrange discussions on global issues, present entertainment with an international cultural or artistic theme, and schedule other programs with an international emphasis.
Many clubs take the opportunity to launch an international community service activity or make contact with a Rotary club in another country. It is a good month to initiate a Rotary Friendship Exchange, a new international service project or encourage support for Polio Plus and other Rotary Foundation programs.
The Chiang Mai International Rotary Club will celebrate with a Service Appreciation Dinner in collaboration with the Rotaract and Interact Clubs we sponsor.
The aim of this event is to
develop collaboration, leadership skills and personal integrity of Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Interactors;
demonstrate volunteerism, helpfulness and respect for others;
recognize/acknowledge sponsors, project partners, and volunteers who provided exceptional service to CMIRC and the community;
recognize/acknowledge Rotarians across the globe who provided significant contributions;
understand the value of individual responsibility and teamwork;
promote international understanding and goodwill;
encourage Rotary members to take action in the community through sharing their experiences.
Would you like to attend? Please email to events@cmirotary.org for more details.