President Elect Shana ran an excellent club assembly last night. A draft of the notes has been sent to the members who were present and the final notes will be posted before the board meeting on June 7th. In the meantime here are the highlights.
Just before the meeting officially started President Joe and President Elect Shana signed the required memorandum of understanding necessary for our club to be eligible for Global Grants in the coming year. The other requirement is that at least one club member attend the Foundations / Membership Seminar in August. Jerry will attend and encourage others to join him.
Joe and Shana signing the MOU
Shana encouraged all members to attend the installation ceremony at the Grand View Hotel on June 18th. She is also planning an installation party on June 28th. This will replace our regular meeting.
There was a discussion about possible changes in the club by-laws regarding the number of meetings per month, absence policy etc. All were reminded that these changes cannot begin until after the new Rotary year and that it could take several months for CMIRC to decide how it wants to structure going forward.
A roster of members responsible for providing speakers, or speaking themselves, will be re-instituted effective in July.