The CMIRC School Vision Screening Program (SVSP) is in its fourth year, and before the October semester break, we completed screenings for all 3rd and 5th graders at seven municipal schools. Five schools remain, which we will screen in November and December. Each year, the CMIRC SVSP screens all 3rd and 5th graders at Chiang Mai's 11 municipal schools and Wat Suan Dok School. Our screenings assess for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and conditions like lazy eye and crossed eyes. Prescriptions are provided by our project optician, and any further care is managed by our consulting ophthalmologist at St. Peter Eye Hospital in Chiang Mai.
This year, our volunteers have screened 337 students, resulting in over 50 prescriptions, with free glasses promptly delivered. We also check in with 4th and 6th graders who received glasses the previous year to ensure their needs are met.
Thanks to our dedicated team of 15–20 volunteers who give their time every Wednesday from August to December, we are able to run this project. Special thanks go to Optician One, who joins us every week to examine students, write prescriptions, and craft glasses within a week. They also provide each student with guidance on using and caring for their new glasses. For many students, this is their first time having corrective lenses.
Dr. Nickie, our consulting ophthalmologist from St. Peter Eye Hospital, has been invaluable to our program, even reversing blindness in one student’s eye!
This project is made possible by the financial support of the Rotary Club Spokane 21 and the Nancy Lynn Lindley Memorial Fund. Nearly all of our high-quality children’s frames are generously provided by Eyewear Designs of Long Island, N.Y., with a new shipment of 200 frames received just last month.