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BEAM Needs Your Help


It’s that time of the year; Christmas is coming which reminds me of an old nursery rhyme:

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat

Please put a penny in the old man’s hat

If you haven’t got a penny, a ha’penny will do

If you haven’t got a ha’ penny, God Bless YOU!

At BEAM Education Foundation it’s holiday time and end of term. Over the past months Roger, Bob, Anne, Peter and myself have thoroughly enjoyed sharing with the students on subject matters such as famous people: Neil Armstrong, Nelson Mandela and Christopher Columbus and debates topics such as: “Girls are better at Studying than Boys” and “Smoking should be Banned” to name a few. We have all learnt from each other with a smile, laughter and even a tear, but really good fun.

The coming New Year brings a promises of surprises, opportunities and excitement. For BEAM it’s a new term, with lots of studying for the students in preparation of exam time in March and April.

For Rotary it’s a new role with the coming sessions. In the past, our focus has been to help the students with preparation for exams on GED Social Studies. Lulu (full time volunteer English teacher) needs support, so our role will be to go through her lectures in advance, helping the students in understanding words, their meaning; subject arguments, their structure and interpretation. About half the students are from Chiang Mai and the other half are from Mae Hong Song, Mae Sot and the refugee camps.

Term begins on Monday, 6 January 2020.

Two classes a week, Monday and Thursday,

Time 1.30 pm to 3 pm.

Class size is 22 students and the plan is to divide the class into two groups of 11, so to be effective this means we need two volunteers per session.

Lulu will supply subject material in advance.

We Need Your Help

Our need is a minimum of four people, ideally one or two more, and at the moment we have two as Bob is away on travels.

So, come and share with the students who dream of getting an education to grow and become successful; their smiles and appreciation is a heart-warming experience.



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