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BEAM in March: Preparation for GED


March was  month that no one could predict, filled with all types of emotions, doubts, concerns for everyone at BEAM Education Foundation, in fact for all of us, but first let's recap.

BEAM Education Foundation in March 2020

What is GED?

The General Educational Development (GED) tests are a group of four subject tests which, when passed, provide certification that the test taker has United States or Canadian high school-level academic skills. It is an alternative to the US High school diploma, HiSET and TASC test.


A GED is one of the accepted documents individuals can submit with their application to study in universities in Thailand. It is equivalent to a high school diploma.

All Thai Universities accept the GED diploma as part of their entrance requirements including Bangkok's big players: Chulalongkorn University, Thammasat University, and Mahidol University to name a few.

Successful Students

Will go to universities whose educational program is in the English language, however if the student is fluent in Thai, they are accepted by universities whose program is in Thai language.

GED Exams

The challenge was to give the opportunity to seventeen students to write their GED exams, starting in March through to April, the cost per exam is $75.00, there are four exams for a total of $300.00. per student.  BEAM found that they did not have the funds, so put out to one and all their challenge in funding.

It was a big challenge for CMIRC, but never the less the word spread through to all members and out of the mist a noble challenger arrived, who like Knight in shining armour, with Excalibur in hand laid before us the challenge  “for every donation you make to GED exams I will match/donate the same amount”.  This came from one of our new members, Moshe Mandelman, who possesses a naturally warm enduring smile.

In total, there are seventeen nervous, anxious students who want to write exams at a total cost of 170,000.00 baht, not a small number financially. Thanks to the challenge of Moshe the target was achieved. A very big Thank You goes to all donors. Not only did we receive monetary donations but inspirational words of encouragement and support at the 10th Anniversary of BEAM Education Foundation held on 29 February 2020. 


To write exams, students have a choice of where to go after it was announced that the exam centre in Chiang Mai was closed due to the current Covid-19 situation, they could go to Bangkok or Mae Sot. The latter is preferable as most students are from there or close by. However, this is not as simple as it sounds. There are the logistics of travel, accommodation and food to be resolved, in addition the BEAM purse is a little thread bare. Fear not, all is not lost, the situation was brought to the attention of CMIRC. Out of nowhere came a voice not unlike that of Baldrick (from Black Adder: a famous TV show for the UK), “I have a cunning plan” fortunately a sensible plan, as Baldrick’s plans were often a little too, cunning. CMIRC is able to rally and support the costs of transport and accommodation.

We all wait for the exam results. Now the writing of exams has been delayed till May – June, as all centers are closed because of Covid-19. Thankfully the centers have not changed, only the timeline.

We all wish students good luck in writing their exams and wait with bated breath for the results and their stories of the future.

Below is a photo of the anxious students in more relaxed times.

BEAM Education Foundation in March 2020


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