A month of many emotions as the CMIRC Partners said farewell to the BEAM on-line students, who are now busy in either writing GED exams or last minute swotting (editor's note: "swotting" is British for studying assiduously) in preparation for writing exams in June 2022. All CMIRC partners (John Schorr, Roger Lindley, Colin Jarvis, Gordana Nardini, Gary Herman, Bill Trempus, Myrna Muyana, Nick Dale) will miss the fun, excitement, and mutual sharing of cultures. Below is Gordana’s experience which I think sums it for all partners.
Thoughts from Partner Gordana:
"On-line culture exchange conversion Partners Program for BEAM students has been a new experience for me and a rewarding one for the students. It has been a lot of fun for all of us.
"Each of the eight topics led students to dive into their past, at a time when they lived in Myanmar. They remembered with nostalgia the years of their early childhood and youth. Their presentations and recollections also evoked in me the memory of the three years I spent in high school in Burma. Discussions in English were a real challenge for the students. They presented the customs and culture of their country (sometimes through stories they heard from older generations).
"I am delighted with how enthusiastically they approached each topic. The memories lit up their faces expressing happiness that they could share their own experiences related to the cultural environment from which they came. All of them are happy to apply the acquired knowledge in their future occupations and thus, one day repay their parents and the community that provided them with education."
Now that our on-line conversation sessions are over and the students are ready to sit for their exams, in May CMIRC transferred over 200,000 baht to BEAM's bank account to fully fund the costs of GED exams and practice exams for seventeen BEAM students. Thank you to the donors who made this possible.
In conclusion, a very big thank you goes to Brittany Harms (From BEAM Education Foundation) who orchestrated and administered the whole on-line program. I certainly learnt a lot from her about the capabilities of the Zoom app. THANK YOU!