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B.K. Kee Patient House Update for May


Despite the current situation with Covid-19 impacting our ability to make our usual in-person weekly visits, there is ongoing activity at the Burma Children Medical Fund's B.K. Kee Patient House, with patients and their caregivers coming from the Burma border to obtain medical treatment in Chiang Mai. CMIRC’s board voted in favor of funding a greatly-needed fencing project to help prevent garbage and debris from flowing into one section of the property during the rainy season. The project was completed on May 20. The fencing project also made it possible to put in two additional gardening beds.

After obtaining permission from Burma Children’s Medical Fund director Kanchana Thornton, current Project Champion Bill Pierce and Secretary Nick Dale had an opportunity to drop off a care package at the house and stay for a brief visit with staff and patients. (Wearing masks and practicing social distancing) We had an opportunity to see the fencing project and the new gardening beds. The next major improvement project will be replacing the windows in each of the patient rooms. The timeline for that project is still to be determined.

Going forward the plan is to continue delivering care packages every two weeks and coordinating with employee Klao to obtain supply requests. We continue to look forward to the day when we can resume in-person visits and safely engage with the patients and provide the emotional support and activities they so desperately need.


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