Have you looked at your calendar today? I did and was shocked; we are in October 2021! Christmas and other religious festivals, New Year Eve are ahead of us. 31 October marks the closing of CMIRC's appeal for Teddies for patients. So please don’t dilly about, we have packing to do at B.K. Kee House. I have included a photo of patients with carrier bags they have painted. All the donated Teddies are individually packed into these special bags at B.K. Kee Patient House. This gives them such excitement and joy a wonderful opportunity to show off their artistic skills.

Below is the Facebook link to our packing back in February which seems like yesterday.
Please bear in mind, from a safety aspect, these are predominately going to children. In sending to CMIRC for customs valuation it’s a gift or of nominal value.
Our postal address:
CMIRC P.O. Box 76, Phrasingh Post Office,
Chiang Mai, 50200 Thailand
If you would like to donate money please use the following bank details:
Bank Transfer to Bangkok Bank Name of account: Mrs. Nancy Long Lindley and Mr. John Keatley Schorr Account Number: 531-090222-5
Your kindness can make such a difference to a lonely child or even an adult having medical care far away from their loved ones.
Here is a video of B.K. Kee House patients and caregivers packing Teddy Trekkers for shipment to patients in Mae Sot: web.facebook.com/watch/?v=289804312720814