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B.K. Kee Patient House in November & Holiday Plans


Rotarian Nick and I made two visits to the Burma Children Medical Fund's B.K. Kee Patient House during the month of November. Our first visit was especially joyful as a young female patient who we had seen in nearly a year returned with her father (pictured, left). She came for a follow up appointment and was able to return home shortly afterwards.

Our most recent visit was spent on holiday arts and crafts. The patients and caregivers enjoyed painting and coloring some traditional Christmas images. We plan on using some of their works for decorating the house for our annual Christmas Party.

Our annual Christmas Party is scheduled for December 20th, beginning at 11:00 and end at 1:00. I will send out an email shortly with details on what we need in terms of presents for the patients and caregivers. If you plan on attending this year if you could please email current Project Champion Bill Pierce at .

If any Rotarians are interested in joining us on our every other Sunday visits, please reach out. (See above email address) We are required to wear face coverings during the entire visit. We leave the Shell station at 11:00 (on Huay Kaew Rd.) and usually complete our visit around 12:30.


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