It has been a treat to be able to resume our visits at the Burma Children Medical Fund's B. K. Kee Patient House and engage with the patients and family members. Rotarian Nick Dale, myself and Pat and Bob have all gone in twice during August to deliver supplies and play some of our usual games with the residents. During our first return visit we played the popular “Bingo for prizes” game (left). This is always a B.K. Kee Patient House favorite.

At the most recent visit on the 23rd there were only three residents (right) but we made the most of the visit and played our “pass the ball” game where everyone sits in a circle while music is being played. The “DJ” has his back to the group and stops the music at random intervals. Whoever has the ball once the music stops has an opportunity to grab a prize from the prize bag. Once the limit of prizes has been reached, then the person has to do a short dance, or sing a song. Our group played along (no prizes of course) but everyone was a trouper and there were many smiles and much laughter. And when those things occur, the trip has been a successful one.
Our first full visit back on the 8th we brought a large collection of oral hygiene supplies as the B.K. Kee staff requested as well as laundry detergent. Rotarian Nick continues to support their gardening efforts and this past visit brought some organic fertilizer which they needed for their vegetable gardens.
BCMF director, Kanchana Thornton has indicated that she has tentatively made plans to transfer new patients to the house on September 3rd. Stay tuned and if any Rotarians are interested in joining us on our every other Sunday visits, please reach out to Bill Pierce, B.K. Kee Patient House Project Champion. We are required to wear face coverings during the entire visit. We leave from the Shell station at 11:00 (on Huay Kaew Rd.) and usually complete our visit around 12:30.