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August 2020 Message from the President

Clarence Shettlesworth

July is the first month of the new Rotary year, and my first month as CMIRC President. At left, I'm trying to encourage PP John Schorr to retain the position.

One can only feel overwhelmed in trying to match the contributions of Charter President Roger Lindley, PP Joe Evans, PP Shana Kongmun, PP Jerry Nelson, PP John Schorr and PP Colin Jarvis. At the same time, one is fortunate to have the solid foundation for CMIRC that they have built.

We begin the year with twenty-four active members and three honorary members; seven excellent service projects, a successful Food for the Needy initiative and participation in a global grant -- all focused on child safety, health and education. Our record of charitable giving in the past twelve months reached 1,700,000 Baht (US$54,000).

Club members have been active participants in Rotary events, workshops, and meetings at the international, national, district, and local level. Enthusiasm and hard work is reflected in the projects and figures above and, being a small club, a number of members who have to take on multiple roles.

We need new blood to increase membership along with gender and nationality diversity amongst others and to decrease average age. Rotary is a huge and remarkable network; there are sixteen clubs here in Chiang Mai and over 330 clubs and 9,000 Rotarians in Thailand. This Rotary year it is imperative we increase our involvement with Thai Rotary at the club and district levels as well as with Rotary International.

CMIRC now offers Passport Active Membership for distant members and at 9 pm (Thai time) on the 9th of every month we encourage all members to participate in a Zoom meeting wherever they are.

Writer John Fowles remarks the English love to retreat behind masks and one of my favorite oracles Lao Tzu comments a leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.

And I am certain our accomplished Board, key personnel and members will do it themselves so I can step back and let them and our Project Champions speak for themselves.


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