We recently discovered the wonderful child protection card game which is produced by Human Help Foundation Network Thailand. Everyone who has seen the game agrees it is a perfect tool for child protection training, especially regarding child human trafficking. We purchased ten sets of the game and sent them to the Child Protection Department at Mae Tao Clinic. The game instruction and cards are being translated to Burmese.

Over the past few years, the Mae Tao Clinic has endured many challenges around funding, mostly due to major donors changing their focus from the border to inside Myanmar. Now with the COVID-19 pandemic, the clinic must spend more money and at the same time finds the majority of their key donors occupied and coping with their own domestic situations around the virus. In most of the region and across most of the globe, the spread of the novel coronavirus continues to accelerate, posing a disproportionate risk on displaced and marginalized populations. Recently both the Thai and Burmese governments have taken stringent measures to control the spread of infection. These measures involve more strict travel restrictions, which greatly hamper our essential services provided by Mae Tao Clinic, effecting both staff and beneficiaries.
We have decided to write a two part plan:
For the time being, CMIRC believes that the best help we can provide at this time is to actively support and promote their new fundraising campaign, aimed at offsetting costs necessitated by their work to combat COVID-19.
Our post COVID-19 plan will feature the re-establishment of our awareness tours, working with other Rotarians and Rotary Clubs around the world to support the ever changing needs of the clinic and a possible project for the Child Protection Department which would be supported by a Rotary Global Grant.
No CMIRC tours are scheduled at this time. We have, on the calendar, a tentative tour in early June, but it appears that cannot happen. Hopefully, we will be back on track soon. In the meantime, I will continue to work with the MTC staff, and all others interested in helping this amazing organization. These are exciting and challenging times. Let’s talk soon!

Introduction for New Readers
The Mae Tao Clinic/Child Protection Department/Child Development Center is the oldest project of Chiang Mai International Rotary Club. Those interested in the history are invited to read past bulletins and our running story on our website. Also, please visit Mae Tao Clinic’s website www.maetaoclinic.org.