In many educational institutions, there is a need to cultivate a culture of peace, where people treat one another with respect, kindness, and are ready to help one another rather than take advantage. The 3-year project targets Ban San Pakwan Primary School in Hang Dong, Chiang Mai, with 180 ethnic Shan children, whose parents are migrants and where children have a high percentage of unruly behavior, lack discipline, and have little inclination to study.
Children are taught how to respect others, teachers to respect the rights of students, and change their approach towards discipline, and parents will be taught that there are other ways to get children to obey than by shouting at them, hitting them, or through corporal punishment. Year 1 concentrates on eliminating violence in school, year 2 in cultivating peace culture, and year 3 in training future leaders.
Aikido is a non-violent martial art and will be the main vehicle to give the children self-confidence and inner discipline so that finally they will pay attention to study.
The Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC) is the local coordinator and key institutions involved are the Peace and Culture Foundation led by Rotary Peace Fellow Dr. Sombat Tapanya, the Rotary Club of Bangkok and Rotary Clubs in Taiwan. The above video was provided to us by the courtesy of 5th dan aikido master Neil Blacknell.
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